Friday, 25 November 2011

Full HD Videos

In my attempts to find the best way to display video on the web I have tried a few option but settled on the obvious. Youtube makes sense really so i have re-uploaded the previously terrible looking Badger video Hampshire birding and Nature photography: Daylight Badger

And added various bits of footage to the new videos page, click the link on the left


Monday, 21 November 2011

Fuji Finepix HS20 EXR - November 20th

I have recently purchased a Fuji Finepix HS20 EXR and today at Arundel Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust i gave it its first proper outing, the birds in the collection here are at close range of course but testing this camera in various situations on this family day out gave me a good idea of what its capable of.

I have generally slagged off bridge cameras in the past because I am a DSLR owner and obviously this will never be my first choice for wildlife (though perhaps for Macro work!) . However results in ideal shooting conditions are comparable with DSLR images when pixel peeping at 100%, not surprisingly it struggles in poor shooting conditions and that's when the differences become obvious, for example it is noisy at high ISO’s, however it does have lots of bells and whistles to deal with these kinds of issues and some interesting and potentially useful features.

It’s ideal for a family day out when you don’t want the hassle of carrying all the DSLR gear and it's capable of producing a decent wildlife image or at least a record shot! Full HD Video is good quality and with 16mp i'll  have plenty of scope for cropping to enlarge and still retaining enough detail for large prints. I could have bought a newer more expensive bridge camera but I had set a budget of £250 and this fitted all the specifications I required. I few images from Arundel above and below.