Sunday, 24 February 2013

Norfolk - 19th-22nd Feb

 Iv'e just spent a few days birding Norfolk over this period and enjoyed some pleasent birding despite the cold and dull weather conditions. There were good number of waterfowl a variouse sites along the north coast including Pink-footed Geese a Long-tailed Duck and Red-throated Divers and lots of Scoter on the sea.

Marsh harriers were the commonest raptor by far and i saw four Cranes at Stubbs Mill early on the 20th. The 30-40 Snow Bunting at Salthouse were also good value.

Video of the Black-bellied Dipper, towards the end the bird is subtly singing!

However the highlight was certainly the Black-bellied Dipper at Thetford that was tricky to photograph only because of the low light levels. Otherwise its a perfect bird to photograph and video since its full of chaticter and very approchable.


  1. Fantastic stuff Richard. Very well done on the Dipper captures, both the video and pictures.

  2. Love the shots, the quality of these photos is hard to describe. really really like them Richard. Great stuff
