Saturday, 24 December 2011

Hayling Island - 24th December

I had a brief visit to Hayling Island again today where two Great Northern Divers were showing quite well around the pontoon at the Ferry Boat Inn, where they were feeding mostly on crabs. One of the birds is a first winter and the other a winter plumage adult showing a small amount of remaining summer plumage. 

Juvenile Great Northern Diver 

The only other birds of note that I found were in Chichester Harbour from Sandy point where what is presumably the same adult winter Razorbill I saw last week was seen briefly close in before it moved further out into the harbour. Later there was a winter plumage Guillemot in the same area. 

Is was rather quiet otherwise so I had a little play with the camera and took some photos of the sea and beach using the Finepix HS20EXR and a neutral density filter.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Patchlist 2012

Patchlist 2012 has moved, please now enter your details here

Good luck everyone

If you are interested in being involved then visit the site. The rules are simple. Select a four sided area no larger than 25 square kilometres (5x5km or 8x3km are appropriate) which is defined by its centre grid reference. This is your patch and you can count any wild, living, full species (BOU) you identify (seen or heard) in, over or from the defined area during the year. 

Monday, 19 December 2011

Hayling Island and Warblington - 19th December

I haven't been able to get down to the coast for some time so it was nice to spend some time in the Langstone harbour area today. Unfortunately the drizzle set in mid morning but up until then it was very pleasant, there was no wind and the water was flat calm. My first stop was Budds Farm where yesterdays reported Scaup were nowhere to be seen, there were good numbers of Teal and other ducks here and a Water Rail called.

I soon moved on to Warblington where the reported Cattle Egret was still present and showing well. i suspect this is the same bird i found at The Kench on 2nd August and has since been residing on Thorney Island in West Sussex.

 Below is a Video of today's Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) showing well at Warblington near the Church

Later on SW Hayling near the Langstone Harbour entrance there was a Great Northern Diver and a juvenile Shag. The usual Med Gull (the distinctive bird with black legs) which has been returning to the same car park to winter for many years was easily found near the funfair.

Later in the afternoon i moved to Sandy point where birding was difficult in the rain but there was at least two Razorbill. Both birds showed well along the shore line at times together and it was possible to see differences in their bills and age them as an adult winter (above) and a first winter (below).

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Birding and photography highlights 2011

Here is a video comprising just a few of my birding and photography highlights from the last year, mostly taken in Hampshire and neighbouring counties.