Sunday, 29 May 2011

Gulls just want to have fun - 29th May

Due to the current windy conditions and the recent run Shearwater recorded from the Hampshire coast I though I would try my luck seawatching from Hayling Island. Along with an Arctic Skua a few Fulmar, Scoter and Gannets I have had up to five Manx Shearwaters today which in Hampshire terms is pretty good. If it were not for an excellent birdrace and a peppering of scarcities at the beginning of the month, these might have been the highlight of what has otherwise seemed a very poor May for Hampshire birding.

Hampshire Gannets rarely seem to make it within range of my telephoto lens but this one was relatively close.

Despite the fact that they are a relatively common bird in south east Hampshire there is still something about Mediterranean Gulls I really like.

Elsewhere between seawatches there was little else on offer around Hayling though a combination of the wind and the high tide did produce a nice gathering of Gulls feeding along the shoreline near the Langstone harbour entrance. The conditions meant the birds could often be caught hanging in the wind, they seem to enjoy it and it makes taking flight shots pretty easy.

Herring Gull

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