Iv'e just spent a few days birding Norfolk over this period and enjoyed some pleasent birding despite the cold and dull weather conditions. There were good number of waterfowl a variouse sites along the north coast including Pink-footed Geese a Long-tailed Duck and Red-throated Divers and lots of Scoter on the sea.
Marsh harriers were the commonest raptor by far and i saw four Cranes at Stubbs Mill early on the 20th. The 30-40 Snow Bunting at Salthouse were also good value.
Video of the
Black-bellied Dipper, towards the end the bird is subtly singing!
However the highlight was certainly the Black-bellied Dipper at Thetford that was tricky to photograph only because of the low light levels. Otherwise its a perfect bird to photograph and video since its full of chaticter and very approchable.